Erstellt - 24. Juli 2015 | Update - 4. April 2016 | Artikel-ID:56493

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Jedesmal wenn die Agenten-Software installiert wird, erhält die Maschine eine eindeutige Maschinen-ID mit welcher sie in der Backup Management Konsole identifiziert wird. Wir die Agenten-Software erneut auf dem Rechner installiert, wird dieser als neue Maschine in der Konsole angezeigt und kann mit den früher erstellen Backups nicht mehr in Verbindung gebracht werden. Um ein bestehendes Backup wieder mit einer Maschine zu verknüpfen müssen folgende Schritte ausgeführt werden.


Every time an Agent is installed, the machine receives unique parameters - MMSCurrentMachineID and InstanceID. These parameters are stored in the HKLM\Software\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\Settings\MachineManager registry key.

In order to preserve the original MMSCurrentMachineID and InstanceID when reinstalling the Agent proceed according to the steps below:

1. Note the original MMSCurrentMachineID and InstanceID.

2. Make sure that machine is not present in the Backup management console. In case it is - delete it.

3. If the Agent is still installed on the machine, proceed to next step. If not, it is necessary to install the Agent without registering machine in the Management Server:

- Download the full installation file from the Backup management console. 
- Run it and choose Create .msi and .mst files for unattended installation. Select components you need to install. 
- Once the files are extracted, start command prompt as Administrator, navigate to the folder you have extracted installation file to (use the cd command) and start installation using the following command

msiexec /i BackupClient64.msi /qb /l*v install.log ADDLOCAL=MmsMspComponents,BackupAndRecoveryAgent,TrayMonitor, REBOOT=ReallySuppress ENABLE_COMMON_ERRORS=1 MMS_MUST_BE_REGISTERED=0 CREATE_NEW_ACCOUNT=1 ACEP_AGREEMENT=1 

The command above installs only Agent for Windows and Tray monitor. To install additional components, add the following strings under "ADDLOCAL=<component>"
where <component> is ArsAgentFeature for the Agent for SQL; HyperVAgent for the Agent for Hyper-V; ArxAgentFeature for the Agent for Exchange.

If the Managed machine service needs to be run by an existing user the installation string should be as follows:

msiexec /i BackupClient64.msi /qb /l*v install.log ADDLOCAL=MmsMspComponents,BackupAndRecoveryAgent,TrayMonitor, REBOOT=ReallySuppress ENABLE_COMMON_ERRORS=1 MMS_MUST_BE_REGISTERED=0 MMS_SERVICE_USERNAME=<username> MMS_SERVICE_PASSWORD=<password> ACEP_AGREEMENT=1 

4. Change values of MMSCurrentMachineID and InstanceID to the original ones, once the Agent is installed:

In Windows: start Windows registry editor (Start -> Search -> regedit.exe) and navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\Settings\MachineManager

In Linux: open /etc/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery.config and modify these values:
  <value name="InstanceID" type="TString">
  <value name="MMSCurrentMachineID" type="TString">

On Mac: open /Library/Application Support/Acronis/Registry/BackupAndRecovery.config and modify these values:
  <value name="InstanceID" type="TString">
  <value name="MMSCurrentMachineID" type="TString">

6. Register machine manually according to this KB article.

7. Log in to the Backup management console and check whether the machine has appeared. Apply original backup plan(s) to the machine.